What is going on????
Yes, this is Doc Savage Organized. We’re in the middle of a complete reorganization. It’s going to…
James Bama
James Bama is responsible for the image that many Bantam era Man of Bronze fans have when they think “Doc Savage.”
Bantam Publication List
A easy to print list of all Doc novels by Bantam publication date.
Bleeding Sun
Doc and his courageous crew race to the Far East to combat the Axis plague! Can they solve the mystery of an insidious new weapon certain to turn the tide of the war? What causes the sun to turn red and ships to disappear? Can mere light really turn a man to smoke and ashes? Will Doc and Monk save Ham in time or will he too die under a bleeding sun?
More Precious than Gold
Second novel in the “Bronze Saga Trilogy.” Writer Mark Eidemiller says of the first novel Bronze Refind as Silver: “This is a story about Doc Savage. There may be die-hard fans of Doc who will view this story as sacreligious. But what I am striving for in this story is to set the character of Doc Savage in a direction he has never gone in before, an adventure that reaches beyond the physical and temporal. If this doesn’t appeal to you, stop reading here. I make no apologies for the concept of what I write.”
You can find More Precious than Gold here.
If you have any information on this novel please write me at fanfic@docsavage.org
Mort Kunstler
Unlike Doug Rosa, much is known about Mort Kunstler. His career as a historical painter made his name. Kunstler painted only a single Doc Savage cover for Bantam…
Bob Larkin
Bob Larkin’s first Bantam reprint cover was for The Magic Island (original title: Ost).
Fred Pfeiffer
Fred Pfeiffer took over the Bantam Doc Savage covers after James Bama left. He painted 13 covers from #68 (Quest of the Spider) through #81 (The Stone Man). The cover for The South Pole Terror was reused for The Stone Man.
Daisy Bacon
Daisy Bacon edited the final three pulp Doc Savage novels. You can find more information on this…