8 thoughts on “Fan Fiction

  1. Please indicate.
    I have seen a belgian man in your web site who wrote 10 more stories, I cannot go to the french part of the site.
    Please inform me.
    Best regards

  2. Please indicate.
    I have seen a belgian man in your web site who wrote 10 more stories, I cannot go to the french part of the site.
    Please inform me.
    Best regards

  3. The Demon of Dayton (a Doc Garbage Story) by David McDONNELL in The Doc Savage Reader, 1973
    Twilight Campaign by Ron Hanna ?
    The Island of the Flying Fish by Shelby S. Peck ?
    Geyser Terror by Bob Sampson ?
    The Man from Tomorrow By ??? ?
    A Species of Madness by DafyddNeal DYAR ?

  4. The website with my Doc pastiche is down temporarily. Anybody wishing a copy can email me direct if the link is down for very long. If enough of you like it, I am planning another Doc pastiche for next year, this one a straight Doc story, probably. Sorry for any inconvenience

  5. Does anybody know where I can find the last bantam Doc Savage i don’t know its number?
    thank you

  6. Chuck! There was a movie which included a character reading a ficticious Doc Savage story. What movie was that? What twas the title of the fictitious Doc Savage Story? I gotta know!
    Art Sippo

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