Posted in 1940 Bantam 085-096 bogart clarke larkin nanovic Novels pulp

The Flying Goblin

The Headless Horseman rides again in Sleepy Hollow — this time streaking down the sky with flashing speed causing destruction and horror wherever he lands. Here is a puzzle worthy of the penetrating powers of the Man of Bronze — a deception so devious it would have to be solved on two continents.

Posted in 1946 Bantam 145-156 bogart degrouchy larkin Novels pulp Pulp Artist Unknown

Fire and Ice

Doc saves a beautiful woman stranded in the Alaskan wilderness. But he soon finds more than he bargained for as a black box and a tall, dark and dead man lead Doc to Manhattan on a thrilling mission to solve a macabre puzzle.

Posted in 1938 bama Bantam 049-060 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Giggling Ghosts

Fears of ghosts and a deadly giggling gas become a terrifying reality to millions of people threatened by the S.R.G.V. The Man of Bronze faces a supreme test as he pits might against the forces of evil.

Posted in 1947 Bantam 133-144 dent larkin Novels pulp rosmond swensen

The Monkey Suit

Why are people being murdered for a rented, moth-eaten ape costume? Doc and his crew battle to unmask the deadly mystery — and to keep a billion-dollar scientific breakthrough out of the hands of gangland gorillas.

Posted in 1934 Bantam 073-084 baumhofer davis nanovic Novels pfeiffer pulp

The King Maker

In the Kingdom of Calbia, the most far-flung plot of the century is already under way. The Man of Bronze and his daring companions join the revolutionary forces of Conte Cozonac but soon find themselves the intended victims of the most fearsome weapons the world has ever seen!

Posted in 1936 bama Bantam 049-060 baumhofer donovan nanovic Novels pulp

Haunted Ocean

An awesome power haunts the sea, paralyzes New York City and brings the most powerful nations of the world to their knees. Deep in the frozen Arctic an astonishing army of naked men and the forces of international greed challenge the invincible Man of Bronze for the strange secret of the so-called Man of Peace!

Posted in 1937 Bantam 073-084 davis harris nanovic Novels pfeiffer pulp

The Land of Fear

The skeleton death awaits all who come in contact with those from the land of fear — and the Man of Bronze is not immune. He and his dauntless allies pursue the mystery from New York to Africa, doing battle with Greens Gordon all the way.

Posted in 1933 Bantam 001-012 baumhofer dent mccarthy nanovic Novels pulp

The Polar Treasure

Menaced by “the strange clicking danger,” Doc Savage and his fabulous five-man army take a desperate journey on a polar submarine in search of a missing ocean liner and a dazzling treasure. Their only clue is a map tattooed on the back of a blind violinist. Awaiting them at their destination is the most terrible killer the Arctic has ever known.

Posted in 1943 bama Bantam 121-132 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Running Skeletons

Doc Savage and his crew are suddenly guinea pigs in an experiment of terror — and a fiendish gang of gun slinging skeletons are out to skin them alive.
The Bantam cover of this novel reuses a part of the artwork from the Bantam edition of “The Phantom City.”

Posted in 1939 bama Bantam 025-036 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Flaming Falcons

The huge terror Falcons swooped suddenly from the sky to feed on the flesh of hundreds of innocent human beings. Then, their mad lust satiated, they disappeared in a searing flash of white flame. While the terrified world waited for their return, The Man of Bronze and his gallant group penetrated the steaming, unexplored jungles of Asia to uncover the lost lair of The Blood-Birds of Indo-China.