Posted in 1933 Bantam 061-072 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pfeiffer pulp

Quest of the Spider

Inside the grim, swamp-surrounded “Castle of the Moccasin,” the Man of Bronze and his faithful, fearless band are trapped — perhaps forever — in an insidious web of evil by a masterdevil known only as the Gray Spider!

Posted in Articles credits murray Wild Adventures

The Modern Kenneth Robeson

The current list of Doc Savage novels written by Will Murray

Posted in 1943 Bantam 109-120 clarke dent larkin nanovic Novels pulp

The Talking Devil

Doc Savage is the target of a new, malevolent foe — the spirit of the King of Evil, who utters murderous commands through an ancient Chinese Devil Doll. Is Doc cursed? Or has a maniacal criminal genius discovered the ultimate key to Doc’s destruction? To survive, the Man of Bronze plunges into a terrifying struggle that can end only one way — death!

Posted in 1945 bama Bantam 133-144 degrouchy dent Novels pulp stein

Rock Sinister

Two redheads, an ancient Mayan book, some mysterious photographs, and murder …. it all leads Doc and his crew to South America for a deadly showdown with gun-toting madmen!
The Bantam cover of this novel reuses a part of the artwork from the Bantam edition of “The Green Death.”

Posted in 1941 Bantam 157-168 clarke dent larkin nanovic Novels pulp

The Pink Lady

A terrified young lady tries desperately to contact Doc Savage, but she’s burned to a crisp in a hotel lobby before she can reach him — thus launching Doc on one of his strangest escapades ever!

Posted in 1937 bama Bantam 025-036 dent donovan harris nanovic Novels pulp

Mad Eyes

Suddenly the air was filled with a thousand glistening reptiles. Suddenly Doc Savage became the cruelest of mass murderers. Suddenly the world was threatened with extinction by the contamination of its water supply. In the space of twenty-four hours the Earth became a seething storm of agony as the menace of the slithering madness struck in all its fury!

Posted in 1944 Bantam 133-144 dent moran Novels pulp richardson stein

The Three Devils

A strange supernatural beast stalks the northern wilds. Can Doc put an end to its reign of terror — before a ruthless band of fanatics puts an end to Doc?

Posted in 1939 bama Bantam 037-048 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Gold Ogre

A legion of tiny terrorists launches a startling series of raids against Crescent City. Death, destruction, and a disease which drives men mad, are the results of the audacious attacks. The Man of Bronze meets a new quartet of allies — and confronts the oddest opponents he’s ever challenged….

Posted in 1938 bama Bantam 061-072 clarke dent johnson nanovic Novels pulp

The Motion Menace

The Man of Bronze and his cousin Pat face an inordinate challenge: a machine that makes all modern weapons worthless. A gang of international thieves in control of the invention are shooting high: World Control.

Posted in 1935 bama Bantam 013-024 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Secret in the Sky

A ball of fire streaks across the heavens leaving death and ruin in its wake — A machine of terror which cannot be halted — An amazing intelligence capable of rendering an entire continent barren… All America trembles as Doc Savage grapples with the most awesome challenge of his astonishing career!