Category: media

Posted in 1944 Bantam 169-180 dent larkin moran Novels pulp stein

The Derelict of Skull Shoal

In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean a dog howls — launching Doc and his crew on a high-seas adventure involving bloodthirsty pirates, man-eating sharks, and an island of zombie-killers!

Posted in 1946 Bantam 157-168 degrouchy dent larkin Novels pulp Pulp Artist Unknown

Terror and the Lonely Widow

Doc and crew are en route to the South Sea Islands where an evil mastermind plans to start WWIII by selling an atomic bomb to the highest bidder — but Doc’s search is cut short when the madman hijacks their plane!

Posted in 1942 Bantam 157-168 clarke dent larkin nanovic Novels pulp

The Too-Wise Owl

Doc is lured to the criminal hideout of an evil genius and an experiment with the incredible Vitamin M — a nutrient that can make a man incredibly smart — or terminally stupid!

Posted in 1948 bama Bantam 133-144 cartier dent Novels pulp rosmond

The Pure Evil

Suddenly, a creature of pure evil has materialized in our world! Can Doc dive into the mysterious land of the occult to confront a demon — before the demon ends his brilliant career?
The Bantam cover of this novel reuses a part of the artwork from the Bantam edition of “The Green Death.”

Posted in 1940 Bantam 085-096 bogart boris clarke nanovic Novels pulp

The Spotted Men

The events were bizarre. First, a millionaire industrialist vanished. Then, his workers broke out in red spots and went crazy. The Man of Bronze and his courageous crew sped to the scene of disaster to search for the perfidious plotter willing to gamble the minds and bodies of men to amass a vast fortune. Were they already too late?

Posted in 1937 bama Bantam 049-060 dent harris nanovic Novels pulp

The Mental Wizard

The massive creature — a mile from head to toe! — sleeps in the steaming jungle. Is the behemoth real, or has the golden enchantress “Z” conquered the magnificent Man of Bronze with the hypnotic power of her superhuman mind? Doc Savage meets his mental match when he uncovers the strange lost kingdom of the deadly Amazon.

Posted in 1939 bama Bantam 061-072 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Freckled Shark

In his most exotic adventure, the Man of Bronze encounters the insane money lust of Senor Steel, president-dictator of Blanca Grande (a very unfortunate South American republic); decodes the awful secret of Matacumbe; and sinks — for what may be the last time — into the muddy horror of the primitive jungle.

Posted in 1941 bama Bantam 121-132 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The All-White Elf

A weapon of incredible hypnotic power has fallen into evil hands. Doc Savage must uncover the secret of the paralyzing peril — or face a fiery death at sea.
The Bantam cover of this novel reuses a part of the artwork from the Bantam edition of “The Phantom City.”

Posted in 1949 bacon Bantam 181-Up dent larkin Novels pulp rozen

Return from Cormoral

When an eccentric young millionaire suddenly starts predicting the future with unerring accuracy, Doc has to find out how and why fast — because the next prediction is of his own death!

Posted in 1938 bama Bantam 049-060 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

Devil on the Moon

A fiery red flash bursts through the silence of the night … a dying green man insists he’s been held captive on the moon .. a small blue capsule conceals an unearthly medallion. Can the invincible Man of Bronze piece together this weird puzzle in time to save the world from the devilish merchants of international war?