Category: boris
The Red Terrors
The Red Terrors — they came out of the depths to seize an unsuspected ship and transport its precious human cargo to their watery domain. There, in a lost sunken world under the sea, they lived securely. Until they sank the wrong ship … and the Man of Bronze came to call.
The Roar Devil
The Roar Devil — he shook the earth. He stopped all sound. He had a vast organization of desperate criminals at his command. Now the good citizens of Powertown were terrorized. At any moment the Roar Devil might strike again. They sent for the only person whose cunning and skill could defeat him — the Man of Bronze.
The Boss of Terror
Men by the name of Smith were being knocked off all over town. And they were all killed by lightning — lightening that entered a room without leaving any marks, on a day when there was no lightning. As the Man of Bronze penetrated ever closer to the heart of this mystery, he was scared. For he knew he was closer to death than possibly at any other time in his hair-raising career.
The Spotted Men
The events were bizarre. First, a millionaire industrialist vanished. Then, his workers broke out in red spots and went crazy. The Man of Bronze and his courageous crew sped to the scene of disaster to search for the perfidious plotter willing to gamble the minds and bodies of men to amass a vast fortune. Were they already too late?
The Mountain Monster
The monster came without warning. It came as Indian legend had said it would come, in the night and while a storm raged. It brought terror and horror to peaceful Arcadia Valley. It transformed an Alaskan paradise into a panic-stricken, fear-blanched hell. Only one man could stop it — the Man of Bronze.
Note: The Bantam edition incorrectly lists an original publication date of “January 1938.”
The Angry Ghost
The mysterious menace came out of nowhere to strike along the Atlantic coast. In its wake, buildings, planes and bridges crumbled. The government was worried — soon there would be widespread panic. The Man of Bronze leaped into action to unmask the villain and expose his cunning treachery.
Boris Vallejo
Boris Vallejo (1941- ) painted six Doc Savage covers for Bantam. Vallejo’s preferred artistic medium is oil…