Author: Chuck Welch

Posted in 2000s 2010 paperback post pulp Wright

Jaguar Valley

It starts with a strange Indian running from Doc Savage’s office building. Then rich and powerful men begin to disappear. Doc and his men follow the trail to the Amazon jungles where they must contend with man eating fish, deadly jungle cats, an unknown tribe of Indians, and, worst of all, New York gangsters willing to do anything to obtain the secret of Jaguar Valley.

Posted in 2010 Novels paperback post pulp Wright

Asylum of Fear

A bank robber who laughs himself to death leads the Man of Bronze and his friends on the trail West where they must face laughing lunatics and flaming corpses. But can even Doc Savage survive where he comes face to face with the Master of Fear?

Posted in 2000s 2006 Novels post pulp Unitarian Jihadist websites

The Giant King

Doc Savage and his friends, including the Black Panther, join forces with the crew of the Venture to return Kong home. But to get out of Kong’s world alive everyone must now rely on the great ape’s incredible strength and even more incredible mind. — Unitarian Jihadist

Trail of Doomsday
Posted in 1969 fanzine McKinstry Novels post pulp

The Trail of Doomsday

The Trail of Doomsday by Lohr McKinstry was the first authorized post pulp Doc Savage fiction. It was published in May 1969. McKinstry told the story of the making of the novella in Bronze Gazette #88.

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Working Title II

Back in the 90s we published a little puzzle about the working title of some 49 Doc Savage pulps. For those who don’t like puzzles…here’s the full list…

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Lester Dent Bridge Dedication September 24, 2021

Through the work of Doc Savage fans, La Plata residents, and Dent family members, the State of Missouri is dedicating a new La Plata bridge in honor of hometown hero, Lester Dent.

Posted in defeo Illustrators Pulp Illustrators

Charles de Feo

The image for the July 1942 cover was by artist Charles de Feo. As part of the…

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Doc Savage Publication Criss Cross

A Criss Cross was a phone directory that allowed you to look up a phone number and find the name and address. The Doc Savage Publication Criss Cross allows you to quickly find the magazine year and month, Bantam number, and Sanctum number for every pulp issue of Doc Savage Magazine.

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Sanctum Publication List

A list of all 87 volumes of the Sanctum Doc Savage reprint series.

Posted in Articles fandom film

Cast the Movie 1996 Edition

In November 1996, we placed the following on the Hidalgo Trading Company’s Movie Page… Every few months…