Cast the Movie 1996 Edition

In November 1996, we placed the following on the Hidalgo Trading Company’s Movie Page… Every few months…

In November 1996, we placed the following on the Hidalgo Trading Company’s Movie Page…

Every few months the newsgroup ponders the question “Who would you cast in a Doc Savage movie today?” Hardyboy01 recently started this always popular thread. Since I recently added the Doc Savage Movie Page I thought it might be fun to have a place for Doc Savage fans to vote for their favorite actors and actresses. Submitting the form below will sent me an email message with your votes. I’ll update the votes received once a week. On February 15th, 1997 I’ll close the poll and announce the winner. In addition, the names of everyone who votes will be placed in a hat and one lucky winner will receive a copy of a Bantam Doc Savage novel. Hey, it’ll probably be a reading copy, but if I have an extra you need to complete your collection…it’s yours. Other than that, I’m looking around town for a Movie Edition of the Man of Bronze so I can give it as the prize.

The page had an easy voting form with the popular options of the day, plus spaces for write-in votes. I wont’t recreate that voting form, but these were the default choices:
Doc: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Boxlightner, Dolph Lundgren, Kevin Sorbo, Liam Neeson, Patrick McConnehy, Paul Gross, Richard Burgi (The Sentinel)
Ham: David Hyde-Pierce, Frank Converse, Gabriel Byrne, Jonathan Frakes, Mel Gibson, Pierce Brosnan, Patrick McConnehy, Timothy Dalton
Monk: Bob Hoskins, Danny Devito, Jason Alexander, Joe Pesci, Mike Tyson, Randall “Tex” Cobb, Robin Williams, Ving Rhames
Johnny: Chevy Chase, Chris Walken, David Hyde-Pierce, Harrison Ford, Jeff Goldblum, Johnny Depp
Renny: Bill Lucking, Brian Denahey, Clancy Brown, Dolph Lungren, Ed Harris, Hulk Hogan, Lee Marvin, Sly Stallone
Long Tom: Chris Walken, David Hyde-Pierce, Ed Harris, Harrison Ford, Lance Henrickson, Ray Walston, Scott Glenn
Pat: Angie Everhart, Annette O’Toole, Ashley Judd, Crystal Bernard, Dana Delany, Elisabeth Shue, Geena Davis, Jennifer Connelly, Kristy Swanson, Sharon Stone, Susan Profit
John Sunlight: Anthony Hopkins, Daniel Day Lewis, Ed Harris, Jack Nicholson, Jeremy Irons, Rick Hall, Rutger Hower
That Hyde-Pierce guy was a man of a thousand faces. We also asked which novel should be filmed and who would be the big name cameo.
We had quite a few votes with Schwarzenegger as Doc, Brosnan as Ham, and Hyde-Pierce as Long Tom being the only three that seemed to run away with their categories.
We consider Hardyboy’s votes for Lucy Lawless as Doc, Meryl Streep as Ham, and Helen Hunt as Johnny to be very progressive, but we’ll leave unnamed the person who voted for O.J.Simpson to play Renny.

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