The Flaming Falcons

The huge terror Falcons swooped suddenly from the sky to feed on the flesh of hundreds of innocent human beings. Then, their mad lust satiated, they disappeared in a searing flash of white flame. While the terrified world waited for their return, The Man of Bronze and his gallant group penetrated the steaming, unexplored jungles of Asia to uncover the lost lair of The Blood-Birds of Indo-China.


8 thoughts on “The Flaming Falcons

  1. A strange Doc adventure, with firey birds and strange men. Interesting in that Doc and the crew don’t show up for a while. This is one of those where the bad guys don’t bring attention to themselves by trying to whack Doc before he can get on their case.

  2. An interesting and uniquely plotted Doc story. Good characterization and a change-of-pace kind of tale. Dem boids IS spooky, too!

  3. This is one of the different Docs, thematically, as mentioned above, with a spooky atmosphere and slower development.
    There are some great Doc Savage series moments, though, especially involving Monk and Ham. In one scene we have the single best example of their amazing friendship, in all its perversity. It shows how well they work together, and exactly how far they will go to get each other. It begins with a man named Hobo approaching Ham staked out in the desert: It was instantly and distressing evident that the dapper man, while staked out in the sand, was not at all firmly secured, because the stakes were barely thrust into the soft sand. The fellow grabbed one of the stakes and used it on Hobo Jones head as they rolled over and over. This enraged Jones. He did some pounding with his fists, some clutching and twisting. He decided to break one of his opponent’s arms immediately, and set himself to the task. “Ouch! Help!” Yelled the foe. “Monk! Monk! Come quick!” Another man came out of the surrounding darkness. This man was practically as wide as he was tall, had arms so long that he could almost tie his shoes without stooping, and was unusual in other respects. Evidently he was “Monk.” He looked it…. “Help me, Monk!” the dapperly dressed fellow yelled at this homely newcomer. Monk showed enthusiastic interest in the fight, but no intention of helping the dapper one. In fact, Monk gave Hobo Jones some advice. ‘Tear his pants,” Monk suggested. “Ham always hates to have his pants torn.” Hobo Jones tried this tactic, and it succeeded admirably. Monk bounced up and down gleefully. He was enjoying it all. Ham was making frantic endeavors to reach an article that lay under a nearby bush, and he finally succeeded, falling upon the thing with a glad yell. It was a cane, an innocent looking black walking stick. However, when Ham got his hands upon this, and gave the handle a twist, it proved to be a sword cane. Fortunately, Hono Jones got his chance at that moment, and gave ham a wallop on the jaw which laid him out in the sand, temporarily stunned. Jones looked at the homely Monk. “Thanks,” said Jones. “Tearing his pants sure helped.” “Don’t mention it,” said Monk. “It was a good job. I want to shake your hand.” Hobo Jones got up and extended his hand. Monk knocked Hobo Jones stiff with a fist to the jaw. (pp 42-43)
    Got to love those guys! Of course their antics sometimes seem to almost overwhelm an adventure. And by the time you throw in the pets, things get downright crazy. But Dent realized this and put doubts to rest: Monk and Ham invariable took these two oddly assorted pets along, making some of Doc Savage’s expeditions inot adventure resemble a circus getting underway. Looks, however, were again deceiving. The two pets had their uses — in addition to the apparent one of affording Monk and Ham something to squabble about when they couldn’t find anything else. Doc Savage frequently found use for both animals. A for the circus aspect of the bronze man’s expeditions, there was seldom anything organized that was more efficient. (pp 50-51)
    Thomas Fortenberry

  4. This one starts out a little slow, but quickly revs up into a very cool story. The prize that everyone is trying to get their hands on is not cash, jewels or a secret weapon, but a simple, clever little idea.
    And the mystery of the falcons is a dandy one.
    Not a classic, but certainly not a failure. Give it a try if you’re in the mood for a Doc story that’s just a little different.

  5. I agree that this one starts out a bit slow, but it is worth staying with it till the end. Chapters 15-20 are like an entirely different book; classic Doc action. Though at one point there is a sign of the Doc to come in later years. After staying submerged for several hours after a fight, Doc is tired,and so strained that he looses control of his emotions and gets angry at himself for being so exhausted.

  6. First-class! One of the best Docs I’ve read in a while. And the central gimmick, the flaming falcons themselves, were truly eerie. 1939 is one of my favourite years for Doc Savage, and this novel clearly shows why. 5 stars!

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