Tag: lester dent
Doc Savage on the Funny Pages
We rarely feature Doc Savage material that doesn’t reside in the Hidalgo Trading Company. (Links get moved,…
A 2000 Interview with Will Murray
From the interview…
All of the books you wrote were based on his outlines?
Every one of them.
Does he have any left?
Yeah, I’ve got enough for about seven or eight books. I started about four of them when Bantam Books pulled the plug on the series in ’93.
That’s too bad.
It was too bad, especially since I was caught in the middle of several books. I dearly wish to finish them, and I expect I will at some point, for some publisher. I would love to come in and do some new ones because that also is where a lot of the interest lies.
Will Murray Working to Publish New "Wild Adventures"
At the 2010 Pulpfest, Will Murray announced he had inked a contract to produce seven new Doc Savage novels. In the 1990s, Murray published several Doc Savage novels for Bantam under the pseudonym Kenneth Robeson. He announced the new novels will…
Who Knew What Evil?
Fans of the Doc Savage Series will want to read another of Lester Dent’s novels, The Golden Vulture. Part of The Shadow series, it was Dent’s first for Street and Smith and won him the Doc Savage contract. It’s been republished, and we have the ordering information inside…
Doc Savage Was Born on…
No, Phillip Jose Farmer didn’t already give us Doc’s birthday. He just looked at a old notebook. He didn’t do the research. On the other hand we did. And we can tell you that Doc’s birthday is….absolutely in this article.
Mark Golden Addresses Canon and Comics
Editor’s Note: For over 10 years and 20,000+ messages, the Flearun group has discussed all that is Doc Savage. From plots, themes, authors, illustrators, to what is, and is not, canon. Recently, news of Doc Savage at a central part of a new DC comic series sparked discussion about comics changing the beloved character. Member Mark J. Golden had a well-written take that he agreed to republish here…
Python Isle by Lester Dent
Lester Dent wrote an outline to a novel proposed for the Doc Savage series. The outline was to be the 21st Doc story but was never written by Dent. It`s left up to fans of Doc Savage to compare this outline to Will Murray’s Python Isle.
Lester Dent’s Secret Master Plot
Most Doc fans know the force behind Kenneth Robeson was Lester Dent. Mr. Dent didn’t write every Doc story, but he could have. The man was a Writing Machine. He had a secret to writing so quickly, a secret he shares with us.
Doc Savage on the Radio
Doc Savage made it to the radio three times: 1934-35, 1943, and 1985. Inside is a list of the episodes culled from numerous sources….
Lester Dent
Lester Dent (1904-1959) was born in La Plata, Missouri. As an adult he was an imposing physical specimen, at 6’2″ and over 200 pounds, who cut a dashing figure and lived a vigorous, exciting, globe-trotting life just as adventurous as the characters he was famous for creating. He often sported a moustache and sometimes a beard. Lester Dent was married to Norma Dent, who also helped him in his writing career acting at times as his secretary.