Roger Kastel

Roger Kastel painted two covers for Bantam: Doc Savage Omnibus 2 and Omnibus 3, a cover for Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, and the poster for the film, Doc Savage: Man of Bronze.

kastel1Roger Kastel painted the cover for Bantam: Doc Savage Omnibus 2, a cover for Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, and the poster for the film, Doc Savage: Man of Bronze.

While still a student Roger had his first paperback book cover published in the 1960’s by Pocket Books (Simon Schuster). All told, Roger estimates that he has done over a 1,000 illustrations for various publishers. Also in the 1960’s, a painting of Roger’s won first prize from the National Fire Underwriters. This painting was made into a fire safety poster that was used for many years and had high visibility.
By the 1970’s Roger Kastel hit full stride as an artist, becoming one of the most well respected illustrators in the business, working for every major publishing house in New York. — Roger Kastel

kastelDoc Savage study by Roger Kastel. Prints for sale at
Joe DeVito wrote: “Thank God I ran into an illustrator named Ralph Amatrudi, who was very well disciplined in the Riley method. Riley was a modern-day Howard Pyle and the mentor of many tremendous artists (James Bama, who revolutionized paperback cover art and made Doc Savage famous again, Roger Kastel, who painted Jaws, Bob McGuire, and many others).”

ds1Ron Ely as Doc Savage by Roger Kastel. Prints for sale at

1 thought on “Roger Kastel

  1. I have a original oil painting by rodger kastel and can not get much information on it. it is a painting of a western scene. maybe the cover of a book? i would like to have any information on the artist that you may be able to give me. thanks tina

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