Posted in 1936 bama Bantam 049-060 dent harris nanovic Novels pulp

The Vanisher

Twenty convicts vanished without a trace from maximum security cells, and top businessmen suddenly disappeared. The tabloids trumpeted the reign of a small, deformed man — or woman — spotted at the scenes. Strangely, Doc Savage was framed for the disappearances — and then the murders … But the Horrible Hunchback hadn’t counted on the wrath of the mighty Man of Bronze!

Posted in 1938 Bantam 073-084 clarke dent nanovic Novels pfeiffer pulp

The Devil Genghis

A fantastic horror has come out of the polar regions — a menace so bizarre it causes men to go insane! The Man of Bronze and his courageous crew penetrate the rugged Asian interior on a perilous mission: to find out the source of this mystery and smash the evil genius who controls it.

Posted in 1940 Bantam 145-156 clarke dent larkin nanovic Novels pulp

The Men Vanished

A mysterious man with a face like a pre-Columbian stone image lures Doc and his crew to a madman’s secret empire deep in the Amazon jungles — where seven of the world’s foremost explorers have inexplicably vanished. Is Doc next?

Posted in 1941 Bantam 109-120 clarke dent larkin nanovic Novels pulp

Peril in the North

250 people are abandoned in the Arctic wilderness at the mercy of a murderous madman. Only Doc Savage can prevent wholesale slaughter on ice. Following a gun- and bomb-blasting battle on the New York docks, the Man of Bronze and his crew face northward to smash a sinister plot — and to expose the cruel secret of a bloodthirsty foreign dictator!

Posted in 1945 Bantam 097-108 degrouchy dent larkin Novels pulp Pulp Artist Unknown

The Screaming Man

From war-ravaged Manila to an ocean liner bound for chaos, Doc races to solve three mysteries at once — the kidnapping of one of his valuable crew, the sinister secret behind a strange dancing girl and the identity of a power-crazed dictator more malevolent that Hitler!

Posted in 1937 bama Bantam 049-060 davis harris nanovic Novels pulp

The Golden Peril

Few had known of the ancient Mayan kingdom which provided Doc Savage with billions of dollars in precious gold to finance his unceasing fight against evil. Threatened by The Leader and his international band of cutthroat warriors, the amazing Man of Bronze cunningly battles for the financial security and future peace of the entire world.

Posted in 1942 Bantam 157-168 clarke dent larkin nanovic Novels pulp

The Devil’s Black Rock

A mysterious black rock with the power to unleash deadly explosions is about to be sold to the Nazis — the destructive mineral will change the outcome of the war unless Doc can muscle in on the buy!

Posted in 1946 Bantam 145-156 bogart degrouchy larkin Novels pulp ravel

The Disappearing Lady

The cloying scent of gardenias and a very strange auto leads Doc Savage on a desperate quest to find a kidnap victim deep in the heart of the underworld.

Posted in 1933 bama Bantam 013-024 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Czar of Fear

DOC SAVAGE IS ACCUSED OF MURDER! The bronze giant battles police, thugs, and a macabre foe in a spectacular struggle to save a city from total desolation. The Arch Enemy of Evil pits his tremendous resources against the grisly and mysterious Green Bell — the sinister hooded figure whose deadly genius threatens to destroy Doc and drive thousands of innocent people mad!

Posted in 1942 Bantam 097-108 clarke dent larkin nanovic Novels pulp

They Died Twice

Doc is lured into a strange memory machine and learns that his father had committed a crime. To right that wrong, Doc must divulge his best-kept secret — but it lands Doc and his crew in a lost valley as captives of an ancient tribe of savages … and the sacrificial rites have begun!