Posted in 1940 bama Bantam 025-036 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Other World

From the moment Decimo Tercio appeared, it was obvious that everything connected with him was unearthly. His appearance was decidedly bizarre and the goods he carried for sale were astonishingly unique. The strange visitor remained on Earth less than four days, but in that short time he managed to lure Doc Savage into the most nightmarish escapade of his danger-studded career.

Posted in 1939 bama Bantam 061-072 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

Mad Mesa

In one of the most masterly of Doc Savage adventures, the Man of Bronze is jailed! But all the prison bars in the world could not hold Doc when he was on his way to dispelling the madness in the desert that changes people into other identities!

Posted in 1946 Bantam 133-144 degrouchy dent Novels pulp Pulp Artist Unknown richardson

Measures for a Coffin

Doc becomes a helpless pawn in a diabolical plot to steal millions. If his trusty crew can’t save him, the Man of Bronze will surely die!

Posted in 1945 Bantam 085-096 degrouchy dent larkin Novels pulp stein

Violent Night

World War II is drawing to a close. Hitler rigs an assassination of a look-alike double in a daring plot to save his ruined Reich — then disappears. America calls on its greatest hero — Doc Savage — to track down this most evil of adversaries and stop the phony martyrdom. Joining him in this last-ditch crusade are a wide assortment of Allied agents — one of whom may be the fleeing Fuhrer himself! (Bantam renamed this: “The Hate Genius”)

Posted in 1942 Bantam 133-144 clarke hathway kastel nanovic Novels pulp

The Rustling Death

A powerful weapon of destruction has been unleashed — a device which can disintegrate the defenseless population. Can Doc and his crew save their country — or will this tool of doom become a madman’s terrifying toy?

Posted in 1941 bama Bantam 025-036 clarke hathway nanovic Novels pulp

The Devil’s Playground

Night after night the Indian drums boomed their terrifying portent of evil and destruction. And each night another victim of “the thousand cuts” lay dead in the forest. Doc Savage grapples with the eerie and sinister Michabou, the great spirit of the primitive Ojibway tribe, in the Herculean attempt to cease the senseless blood bath of the Devil’s Tomahawks, and to quiet forever the mysterious drums of murder.

Posted in 2000s 2017 devito modern murray Novels paperback post pulp Wild Adventures

Empire of Doom

It began with the hijacking of a destroyer from the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The stolen warship struck midtown Manhattan with her mighty guns, then vanished far out to sea.
Who were the strange raiders wearing the golden uniforms of no known power who pulled off the daring theft? And who was their mysterious leader, a being of seemingly supernatural abilities?
Doc Savage did not know. But The Shadow did! Combining forces, the Man of Bronze and the Dark Avenger follow the trail of a superfoe from The Shadow’s past.
But can they learn to trust one another?
From fog-shrouded New York to a futuristic underground kingdom in the heart of Asia, the battle sprawls—with the world’s fate at stake!

Posted in 1947 Bantam 169-180 bogart degrouchy dent larkin Novels pulp swensen

Target for Death

When a seemingly innocent letter leaves a trail of dead bodies, Doc tracks the mysterious sender halfway round the world to stamp out a killer whose punishment is long overdue.

Posted in Wild Adventures

Pat Savage Stars in Solo (Almost) Novel

Will Murray decided to give many fans what they wanted and has penned a solo Pat Savage novel. Well, almost solo, as Monk joins Pat on her adventure:

Posted in 2016 devito modern murray Novels paperback post pulp

Glare of the Gorgon

Why did a desperate man shave his head before visiting Doc Savage headquarters, only to be struck down, his pulsing brain turned to inert stone? What sinister secret did his strange slaying silence? And how was a lizard-green shadow resembling Medusa branded on Doc’s office wall?
These are only some of the questions confronting the Man of Bronze as he pursues a grisly trail of petrified corpses to post-Prohibition Chicago, whose criminal underworld is being terrorized by a serpent-haired demon engaged in a seemingly senseless slaughter spree whose ultimate target will shake Doc Savage’s men to their core.
Suspects are many, clues baffling. Death and danger lurks everywhere they turn—symbolized by the silhouette of a faceless Gorgon.
From the concrete canyons of Manhattan to the coal fields of Illinois, Doc Savage tracks a phantom fiend the likes of which he has never before hunted. Or is he the one being hunted?