Category: list
Doc Savage Publication Criss Cross
A Criss Cross was a phone directory that allowed you to look up a phone number and find the name and address. The Doc Savage Publication Criss Cross allows you to quickly find the magazine year and month, Bantam number, and Sanctum number for every pulp issue of Doc Savage Magazine.
Sanctum Publication List
A list of all 87 volumes of the Sanctum Doc Savage reprint series.
Pulp Publication List
A easy to print list of all Doc novels by Pulp publication date.
Reading the Sanctum Reprints in Pulp Order
Those who have purchased all the Sanctum reprints of the pulps might want to read them in original pulp publication order. We’re happy to present you that list…
The 10 Doc Savage Novels That Were Quick or Slow to Be Published
Do you know which submitted pulp novels were the quickest or slowest to be published? We do…
L’homme de bronze
An intelligent, beautiful women with a sexy French accent enters your life… sounds like the start of a fairy tale, but when the sentence continues…and she loves reading Doc Savage as much as you do… you start looking around for Candid Camera. That really happened to me, and she was kind enough to give me a list of the Doc novels published in French and their original titles. (PS: She also married me. So it was a fairy tale…)
Novel Submission Order
Doc Savage fans are a particular lot.
Some have read the novels in the order they were published by Bantam. Some insist a better method is to read them in the order they were originally published. The latest “best order” is to read the novels in the order they were “submitted to Street and Smith.” Guess who has that order for you?
Bantam Publication List
A easy to print list of all Doc novels by Bantam publication date.