Category: dent

Posted in 1935 bama Bantam 013-024 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Secret in the Sky

A ball of fire streaks across the heavens leaving death and ruin in its wake — A machine of terror which cannot be halted — An amazing intelligence capable of rendering an entire continent barren… All America trembles as Doc Savage grapples with the most awesome challenge of his astonishing career!

Posted in 1936 Bantam 073-084 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pfeiffer pulp

The Seven Agate Devils

Murder on an international scale was being committed by a sinister mastermind. His method — an unusual, inescapable form of death. His trademark — a small statuette next to the corpse. The Man of Bronze and his fearless friends do battle with the thieving, murderous spawn from Hell — and become marked men themselves!

Posted in 1946 Bantam 169-180 degrouchy dent larkin Novels pulp Pulp Artist Unknown

Death is a Round Black Spot

Doc is summoned to a small Missouri town where violent death is a way of life — and a black spot marks the next victim!

Posted in 1940 Bantam 085-096 boris clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Boss of Terror

Men by the name of Smith were being knocked off all over town. And they were all killed by lightning — lightening that entered a room without leaving any marks, on a day when there was no lightning. As the Man of Bronze penetrated ever closer to the heart of this mystery, he was scared. For he knew he was closer to death than possibly at any other time in his hair-raising career.

Posted in 1942 bama Bantam 109-120 clarke dent nanovic Novels pulp

Pirate Isle

A murderous madman is holding a South Sea atoll in terror. His aim? Nothing less than pirating the secret of turning sea water into gold. His obsession? Set a deadly trap — then obliterate the Man of Bronze and his bold crew!
The Bantam cover of this novel reuses a part of the artwork from the Bantam edition of “The Men Who Smiled No More.”
The pulp edition of this novel includes a letter to the editor from novelist Michael Avallone.

Posted in 1947 Bantam 133-144 dent larkin Novels pulp rosmond swensen

No Light to Die By

An eerie illumination in the moonless night sky lights a path to destruction for Doc Savage — as the Man of Bronze must defuse the most explosive threat to mankind since the atom bomb!

Posted in 1948 Bantam 169-180 degrouchy dent larkin Novels pulp swensen

Terror Wears No Shoes

When one of his trusty crew mysteriously vanishes in the Orient, Doc’s investigation leads to a beautiful glamour-puss, a deadly virus, and a diabolical plot to poison America!

Posted in 1934 bama Bantam 001-012 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Monsters

The breeding ground was a walled castle completely covered over with a huge electrified net. Inside were the scum of the earth, gathered from the prisons of the world, transformed into invincible giants. Now they were ready to ravage the world — unless Doc Savage and his mighty crew could stop them.

Posted in 1935 bama Bantam 013-024 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Spook Legion

The entire city of New York is swept up in a wave of terror, as an evil international conspiracy devises a crime so sinister that only Doc Savage and his five mighty cohorts can halt its fiendish plan. Led by a phantom master criminal with stupefying supernatural powers, the conspiracy sets trap after trap for Doc. Finally, in a fantastic underground empire, the fearless bronze giant and his courageous crew must fight for their lives against a diabolical enemy that cannot even be seen.

Posted in 1933 Bantam 001-012 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp rosa

The Land of Terror

A vile greenish vapor was all that remained of the first victim of the monstrous Smoke of Eternity. There would be thousands more if Kar, master fiend, had his evil way. Only Doc Savage and his mighty five could stop him. But the corpse-laden trail led to mortal combat with the fiercest killing machines ever invented by nature.