Tag: media

Posted in shenanigans

Man of Blurb

Let’s face it. You picked up that first copy of Doc Savage and looked at the cover…you said “Cool”, “Neato”, or “Far Out” (depending on your age)…but you were sold when you read that blurb on the back. That’s what made you rush home to read your first Doc Savage. And we’ve interviewed* the man that wrote most of those one-paragraph classics….

Posted in Articles

Doc Savage Batman First Wave Begins

The one shot comic combining the worlds of Doc Savage and Batman has arrived. Titled First Wave Begins, the comic has the pair meet and come to, let’s say, an understanding.
Set just after Doc’s father dies, and early in the career of the Bat-Man, the comic lets the reader see what Brian Azzarello plans to do with the characters. Based on his notes (presented after the comic), Azzarello shows a good understanding of Doc* and his crew. Not to mention a few other pulp characters you might know.

This is it. Doc Savage makes his return to DC Comics, and crashes right into Gotham’s protector, The Batman. Noir mastermind Brian Azzarello teams with artist Phil Noto to present a gritty and shadowy version of the DCU, where thugs are at every corner, corruption runs deep and even the heroes reside in a gray area of morality.
Doc Savage has heard only bad things about The Batman, Gotham’s violent new vigilante, but what can he do to stop him? Check out some more pages from this issue, a vital prologue to the upcoming FIRST WAVE mini-series from Azzarello and artist Rags Morales. — Alex Segura, The Source

* – Even to his understanding that Doc must be “mixed race.” What? You didn’t know?

Posted in discuss

Mark Golden Addresses Canon and Comics

Editor’s Note: For over 10 years and 20,000+ messages, the Flearun group has discussed all that is Doc Savage. From plots, themes, authors, illustrators, to what is, and is not, canon. Recently, news of Doc Savage at a central part of a new DC comic series sparked discussion about comics changing the beloved character. Member Mark J. Golden had a well-written take that he agreed to republish here…

Posted in Articles french list media

L’homme de bronze

An intelligent, beautiful women with a sexy French accent enters your life… sounds like the start of a fairy tale, but when the sentence continues…and she loves reading Doc Savage as much as you do… you start looking around for Candid Camera. That really happened to me, and she was kind enough to give me a list of the Doc novels published in French and their original titles. (PS: She also married me. So it was a fairy tale…)

Posted in Articles media

Lester Dent’s Secret Master Plot

Most Doc fans know the force behind Kenneth Robeson was Lester Dent. Mr. Dent didn’t write every Doc story, but he could have. The man was a Writing Machine. He had a secret to writing so quickly, a secret he shares with us.