Category: Articles

Posted in Articles comic

DC Doc Savage Comic Completes Run with Digital Release

Hate it (most everyone) or love it (who are you?), the 2010-2011 DC Doc Savage comic came to a crashing halt with a digital only release of the final issue.

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Doc Savage on the Funny Pages

We rarely feature Doc Savage material that doesn’t reside in the Hidalgo Trading Company. (Links get moved,…

Posted in Articles

The Doc Savage Waiting Game

Just how long do you wait for that Doc Savage title to be reprinted by Bantam?

Posted in Articles shenanigans

How the Doc Savage Novel ‘Bleeding Sun’ Came to Be

Reprinted from DocSavage.Info March 2001 shenanigan: “a playful or mischievous act; a prank.” At first Bleeding Sun…

Posted in Articles

A 2000 Interview with Will Murray

From the interview…
All of the books you wrote were based on his outlines?
Every one of them.
Does he have any left?
Yeah, I’ve got enough for about seven or eight books. I started about four of them when Bantam Books pulled the plug on the series in ’93.
That’s too bad.
It was too bad, especially since I was caught in the middle of several books. I dearly wish to finish them, and I expect I will at some point, for some publisher. I would love to come in and do some new ones because that also is where a lot of the interest lies.

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Will Murray Working to Publish New "Wild Adventures"

At the 2010 Pulpfest, Will Murray announced he had inked a contract to produce seven new Doc Savage novels. In the 1990s, Murray published several Doc Savage novels for Bantam under the pseudonym Kenneth Robeson. He announced the new novels will…

Posted in Articles dent

Lester Dent Short Video Biography

Norma Dent explains a bit about the Dent basement…

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Doc Savage Batman First Wave Begins

The one shot comic combining the worlds of Doc Savage and Batman has arrived. Titled First Wave Begins, the comic has the pair meet and come to, let’s say, an understanding.
Set just after Doc’s father dies, and early in the career of the Bat-Man, the comic lets the reader see what Brian Azzarello plans to do with the characters. Based on his notes (presented after the comic), Azzarello shows a good understanding of Doc* and his crew. Not to mention a few other pulp characters you might know.

This is it. Doc Savage makes his return to DC Comics, and crashes right into Gotham’s protector, The Batman. Noir mastermind Brian Azzarello teams with artist Phil Noto to present a gritty and shadowy version of the DCU, where thugs are at every corner, corruption runs deep and even the heroes reside in a gray area of morality.
Doc Savage has heard only bad things about The Batman, Gotham’s violent new vigilante, but what can he do to stop him? Check out some more pages from this issue, a vital prologue to the upcoming FIRST WAVE mini-series from Azzarello and artist Rags Morales. — Alex Segura, The Source

* – Even to his understanding that Doc must be “mixed race.” What? You didn’t know?

Posted in Articles

Doc Savage Was Born on…

No, Phillip Jose Farmer didn’t already give us Doc’s birthday. He just looked at a old notebook. He didn’t do the research. On the other hand we did. And we can tell you that Doc’s birthday is….absolutely in this article.

Posted in Articles film

Doc Savage Film News – Shane Black Edition

Harry Knowles (Ain’t it Cool News) recently spoke to Shane Black (Lethal Weapon) : “When I asked him what he was working on, he shocked me with the revelation that he was going to be writing a script for DOC SAVAGE, which Orci & Kurtzman (those STAR TREK, EAGLE EYE, TRANSFORMERS guys) were producing.”
Of course, that set Flearun abuzz. There’s more speculation at (Shane Black Scribing a Doc Savage Movie for Star Trek Producers) and (Shane Black Bringing ‘Doc Savage’ Back To The Big Screen?)
In the tradition of Doc Savage newsgroups, here’s my cast (at least, who I’d pick this afternoon):
Doc: Jason Statham
Monk: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Ham: Christian Bale
Johnny: Neil Patrick Harris
Renny: Mekhi Phifer
Long Tom: Jim Sturgess
Doc’s Father: Bruce Willis
Patricia Savage: Liv Tyler
Female Lead: Claire Danes
Antagonist: Tim Roth