At the 2010 Pulpfest, Will Murray announced he had inked a contract to produce seven new Doc Savage novels. In the 1990s, Murray published several Doc Savage novels for Bantam under the pseudonym Kenneth Robeson. He announced the new novels will…
At the 2010 Pulpfest author Will Murray spoke to a crowed room of Doc fans eager to hear news from the latest “Kenneth Robeson.” Murray, who wrote seven Doc adventures using materials from the Lester Dent archives, announced he had secured the rights to publish new Doc Savage novels.
Photo CC by Chuck Welch
The real reason I do this is to salvage the Lester Dent experience. — Will Murray
Murray unveiled a proposed cover for the first of the new novels, The Desert Demons. The cover used original art by Joe DeVito, cover artist for Murray’s seven novels published by Bantam. Murray explained the cover used a painting of Doc commissioned by Jack Juka and applicable to Murray’s story.
Murray explained the new novel was based on material unearthed during his research into Lester Dent’s papers. In 2005, Murray found a discarded Dent chapter that “introduced Doc in a whole different way.” Murray explained the chapter fit into a Doc novel he was considering, but would take it into a new direction.
Murray explained he wanted his new novels to be “over the top.” “We’re trying to take Doc somewhat out of the envelope,” Murray added. He said the stories would be similar to adventures such as those found in The Spook Legion or Repel.
Murray concluded the presentation by answering audience questions about his working methods, writing philosophy and information about the proposed seven novels. Later this week, the Hidalgo Trading Company will publish additional information about the new novels.
This is good news for Doc fans. I really enjoyed Murray’s Doc novels for Bantam and was really cheezed off when Bantam canceled the series. Hopefully the new series will be published in traditional paperback format so i can put them on my bookshelf alongside the others.
i wish you would have shown the cover here.
A new Doc Savage story by Will Murray is always a welcome treat. WIl is probably the world expert on Doc Savage and the Shadow and he has unprecedented access to Lester Dent’s papers. With the success of the Doc Savage reprints and the plans for the upcoming movie, this is the time to publish new Doc stories. THE sooner the better!
This is fabulous news! I just finished reading “The Forgotten Realm,” which I think was will’s last DS novel, and was mightily impressed with how it captured the spirit of Lester Dent. What a fortunate circumstance that suh a talented writer has taken up the mantle!
Can’t wait for these new novals…
Eagerly awaiting Will’s new stories, with apologies to John-I love the trade paperback size for publishing the stories. You get an easier to read size, bigger and more attractive cover and the mag style form is easier to store for the collectors. I hope all pulp fans support the reprints from Anthony Tollin and Neil Mechem, hope Will’s new Doc Savage adventures will draw in new generations of fans.
Can’t wait to read these.
– MB
Will didn’t put the cover out on the net so that it would be fresh when the book is published. He also mentioned that the typeface and text on the cover wasn’t finalized.
fantastic news. really psyched to read the new stories. bravo! doc lives.
I could not believe it. DOC is backkkkkk with FAB FIVE!!!
Any clue as to the timeframe involved here? 2010? 2011?
This is GREAT news! It will be WONDERFUL to have DOC back in print and
for Will Murray’s fine DOC novels to be available for DOC fans. We wish
you the very vest in this new venture Will and look forward to reading the
NEW Doc adventures! Best wishes & Happy Trails! Link Hullar
Terrific. I loved Doc way back when, but being a repetitive formula I never got beyond something like #70. Recently I reacquired all of the Doc Savage books I had, plus the rest including those written in the 90’s including Farmer’s, and I’m looking forward to reading them all. Love the idea of Murray bringing Doc back, out of the envelope, over the top. Always wanted to see Doc set free from the formula book format.
Have a concern perhaps someone could give me information on. Recently saw, briefly, in plastic, a very new looking paperback for sale for $50. Supposedly a new Doc Savage book written under the name Kenneth Robeson by a fan or fans entitled ASYLUM OF FEAR. The story goes that only about 50 were printed when the estate put a stop to it and less than 10 copies remained in circulation. Not inclined to spend that kind of money on an unknown fan story…read too many badly written fan stories of Green Hornet, etc., via the Net…but I was wondering if this story is true, if the story is well or badly written, or if the story and a few copies of a poorly written story were produced just to extract money from faithful and desperate fans. Can’t seem to find info on the book on the Net.
Aside from Dent himself, Will is the single most important individual associated with the Savage Saga, and I’m not at all surprised to learn that he is the man who gets to move it forward into the 21th century. I’ll be happy to buy the reprints of his earlier Doc Savage novels (again!) and all of the new books too. As I look at Will’s achievements in this arena over the years, all I can do is admire his dedication and effort, his talent and tenacity, and marvel at the fact that one man- ONE MAN- has kept Doc Savage fandom alive for over 40 years.
– David Pettus
FYI…the cover for “Desert Demons” is in the latest Spectrum.