Tag: doc savage
Posted in Articles
Doc Savage Was Born on…
No, Phillip Jose Farmer didn’t already give us Doc’s birthday. He just looked at a old notebook. He didn’t do the research. On the other hand we did. And we can tell you that Doc’s birthday is….absolutely in this article.
Posted in discuss
Mark Golden Addresses Canon and Comics
Editor’s Note: For over 10 years and 20,000+ messages, the Flearun group has discussed all that is Doc Savage. From plots, themes, authors, illustrators, to what is, and is not, canon. Recently, news of Doc Savage at a central part of a new DC comic series sparked discussion about comics changing the beloved character. Member Mark J. Golden had a well-written take that he agreed to republish here…
Posted in Articles
What is the Hidalgo Trading Company?
The text below was written on the sixth anniversary of the Hidalgo Trading Company, the site I…