Python Isle by Lester Dent
Lester Dent wrote an outline to a novel proposed for the Doc Savage series. The outline was to be the 21st Doc story but was never written by Dent. It`s left up to fans of Doc Savage to compare this outline to Will Murray’s Python Isle.
Why do your titles look odd?
Novel Submission Order
Doc Savage fans are a particular lot.
Some have read the novels in the order they were published by Bantam. Some insist a better method is to read them in the order they were originally published. The latest “best order” is to read the novels in the order they were “submitted to Street and Smith.” Guess who has that order for you?
Lester Dent’s Secret Master Plot
Most Doc fans know the force behind Kenneth Robeson was Lester Dent. Mr. Dent didn’t write every Doc story, but he could have. The man was a Writing Machine. He had a secret to writing so quickly, a secret he shares with us.
Doc Savage on the Radio
Doc Savage made it to the radio three times: 1934-35, 1943, and 1985. Inside is a list of the episodes culled from numerous sources….
What is the Hidalgo Trading Company?
The text below was written on the sixth anniversary of the Hidalgo Trading Company, the site I…
Who is Doc Savage?
On the back of every Bantam published reprint of the Doc Savage novels were a few lines…
Upgrade Woes
Obviously, the upgrade didn’t happen as planned.
However, I’m back to it and hope to finish by Pulpfest.
Yes, we've finally started the update…
Yes, this and the post below shall soon disappear. We’ve finally started updating the site. We’ll be…