Category: harris
Mad Eyes
Suddenly the air was filled with a thousand glistening reptiles. Suddenly Doc Savage became the cruelest of mass murderers. Suddenly the world was threatened with extinction by the contamination of its water supply. In the space of twenty-four hours the Earth became a seething storm of agony as the menace of the slithering madness struck in all its fury!
The Terror in the Navy
A bizarre dictator unleashes a deadly force against the United States Navy: the mightiest vessels in the U.S. armada are sunk; warplanes are pulled from the clouds; end Doc Savage’s impenetrable sky fortress is ripped from the stratosphere! And the brash, strutting BRAUN demands one hundred million dollars in ransom from a nation in chaos. Only the Man of Bronze dares challenge the crushing power of this phantom force!
The Mental Wizard
The massive creature — a mile from head to toe! — sleeps in the steaming jungle. Is the behemoth real, or has the golden enchantress “Z” conquered the magnificent Man of Bronze with the hypnotic power of her superhuman mind? Doc Savage meets his mental match when he uncovers the strange lost kingdom of the deadly Amazon.
The Derrick Devil
A mysterious jellylike creature is terrorizing the Indian Dome Oil Field! The Man of Bronze and his five fantastic aides descend upon Oklahoma to do battle with dastardly Tomahawk Tant — and uncover the infernal secret of the weird monster from the depths of the earth.
Land of Long Ju Ju
The ruthless power of The Shimba threatened to overthrow the good and gentle ruler of an African kingdom — and destroy forever the line of succession. Until the mighty Man of Bronze smashed the jungle menace and solved its terrible secret!