The Whistling Wraith

Based on an outline by his creator, the mystery begins when a visiting Balkan king vanishes, whisked away by the Whistling Wraith. Called to Washington, Doc Savage confronts the impossible — a mad monarch who vanished centuries ago. Unstoppable and untouchable, the demon stands ready to plunge his uncanny sword into the vitals of all who seek to unravel the most baffling enigma ever to confront the brilliant Man of Bronze!


2 thoughts on “The Whistling Wraith

  1. After the glowing yawn I gave The Forgotten Realm you would think I’d not care for The Whistling Wraith. You would think. And be wrong. This was one the better Docs I’ve read in awhile. Murray kept the action going and the story just convoluted enough to keep my interest. In the final few pages Murray had to explain a tad bit too much. Probably worried about those very few fans who hadn’t kept their eye on the pea.

  2. can the doc savage books be found to purchase anywhere either in north carolina or online

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