Category: baumhofer

Posted in 1935 bama Bantam 037-048 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp

Red Snow

When the red snow descends, all in its path are destroyed, their bodies devoured by the scarlet rot. ARK, the monstrous-headed scholar of evil, sprays red death across a terrified nation and demands total surrender. Doc Savage is helpless as America reels under the crimson lash of deadly snow — helpless because he stands accused of murder!

Posted in 1934 Bantam 001-012 baumhofer dent kunstler nanovic Novels pulp

Brand of the Werewolf

Seeking to avenge his brother’s murder, Doc Savage and his daring crew become involved in a desperate hunt for the lost treasure of the pirate, Henry Morgan. Stalking them every inch of the way is the archfiend, El Rabanos, and his strange ally, the werewolf’s paw! (Note: the Bantam edition blurb does claim Doc his avenging his brother’s murder though it is his uncle who died.)

Posted in 1935 bama Bantam 001-012 baumhofer dent nanovic Novels pulp

The Mystic Mullah

It was an ageless thing that had existed since the beginning of time — a monstrous green face that spoke sudden death. With its legions of ghostly, nebulous soul slaves, it had begun to terrorize the world. Even Doc Savage and his fantastic five were helpless against its awesome power, until….
Editor’s Note: Pulp writer Richard Sale started ghosting this novel, but removed himself from the project after recieving criticism from Lester Dent.

Posted in 1936 Bantam 061-072 baumhofer donovan nanovic Novels pfeiffer pulp

Murder Mirage

A blizzard in July and a woman’s image is frozen in glass — how could these bizarre events possibly be connected? To find the answer and save the life of Ranyon Cartheris, the Man of Bronze and his dauntless allies journey to hot desert sands halfway round the world, where they are trapped — perhaps never to emerge — in the ancient underground tombs of Tasunan.